Chapter1 Daycare Launches Saturday Drop-In Program

Our pilot weekend program is scheduled for March 19 (Saturday) from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

Latest pick up time is 12:45 PM, after which late pick up fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged.

The program is open to children between the ages of 3 years to 6 years only.

Maximum capacity is 36 children.

Minimum enrollment size is 10 children. If enrollments below that then event will be cancelled and fees refunded (subject to further notification by email)

Advanced ticket purchase is mandatory.

Registration is required online.

Fee is $30 for the entire 4-hour program including snacks.

The Activity Plan is shown below. (Program may be subject to change without notice).

Free Play


09.30 am -09.45 am Children pick activities of their own choice like building toys, puzzles, cutting, painting and drawing. Free Play is undirected and unstructured. It helps children to learn collaboration, to share, and to resolve conflicts. They learn to discover their interests and decision making.
Kids Yoga


9.45 am – 10.15 am Warm UpTree PoseButterfly Pose

Cat Pose

Monkey Walk

Yoga is known to help children in improving general well-being, increasing flexibility and balance, boosting confidence, enhancing concentration and relaxing their minds.
Snack Time


10.15 am – 10.30 am Snack Time! Enjoy! Children under ten years of age need frequent replenishment of nutrition that their growing bodies need. Healthy snacks help them meet their metabolic requirements.
Circle Time 10.30 am – 10.45 am Games, Language, Stories, Songs, music and movement. Circle time fosters a sense of community in children. It also helps them learn communication skills, language and even listening.
Cognitive Activity 10.45 am – 11.15 am Vocabulary: Birds & related words.Bulletin Board: Count the BirdsScience Activity: Bird Feeder Cognitive activities help children to learn to reason, solve problems and try to answer the most pressing question for them “why?”

Craft Activity



11.15 am – 11.45 pm

One or two of the following:Feather Painting

Birdseed collages

Dyeing Eggs

Making Robin Eggs

Crafts help children to extend their thinking, in engaging them through a variety of learning styles, and also enhance multicultural understanding. Crafts such as coloring and cutting etc. require the use of both hands that improves bilateral coordination.
Sensory Activity 11.45 am – 12.15 pm Feathers and sandSticks and twigs for nestsEggshells

Worms and soil

Water, rubber ducks etc.

Bird seed & measuring tools

Sensory play is not all about touch. It is about other senses too. Touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste enrich a child’s physical, social and emotional, cognitive, linguistic and creative potential.
Free Play and Get Ready to go Home 12.15 pm – 12.30 pm More fun for children before they leave. A short recess invigorates the children for their next activity. It also helps them to improve their social and communication skills and make friends.

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