Program Information

Chapter1 Daycare is currently accepting registrations for all ages from 3 months and up to 6 years old. Information pertaining to the Program Plan by age group, sample weekly activity, and sample menu is provided in the sections below.

Our Motto: Shaping Your Child’s Future From Chapter 1

This is promoted through:
a) an inventive, inclusive and enriched program
b) unique learning experiences
c) experimentation and exploration of the environment
d) developmentally appropriate materials and activities
e) encouraging frequent dialogues with parents on their child’s progress

Developmentally appropriate care and practices are based on children’s needs. Each age group has the same developmental areas; however, they are carried out in different ways, depending on the stage children are at. Please review the following sections for age appropriate Program Plan.

Chapter 1 Daycare is currently accepting registrations for all ages from 3 months and up to 6 years old. Information pertaining to the Program Plan by age group, sample weekly activity, and sample menu is provided in the sections below.

This is promoted through:
A) developmentally appropriate materials and activities
B) encouraging frequent dialogues with parents on their child’s progress

Developmentally appropriate care and practices are based on children’s needs. Each age group has the same developmental areas; however, they are carried out in different ways, depending on the stage children are at. Please review the following sections for age appropriate Program Plan.

Preschoolers (3 – 4.5 years old)

Daily Activity Plan

Weekly Menu

Pre-Kindergarten Program

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