Chapter1 Daycare is now Accredited
Chapter1 Daycare and Preschool is pleased to announce that it is now an Accredited centre after completing a rigorous twelve month process towards achieving this
Chapter1 Daycare is now Accredited
Chapter1 Daycare and Preschool is pleased to announce that it is now an Accredited centre after completing a rigorous twelve month process towards achieving this
Corporate Discount: Avison Young
AY employees will receive 5% on full time infant fees for 6 months and 10% on all other ages for 6 months. There is no
For any client who enrolls two or more children at the same time at the daycare, Chapter1 will offer a 10% discount of the oldest age child
Saturday 2 Hour Drop-in Children’s Music and Dance Workshop
Chapter1 Saturday Program (Do the MoOpapa) October 22, October 29, November 5 Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30am Ages 2 – 6 To Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/saturday-2-hour-drop-in-childrens-music-and-dance-workshop-tickets-28408266891 Preview the
FREE Child Development Workshop for Parents
Positive Solutions for Families Training Series Learn how to promote social and emotional development and positive approaches to help your child learn appropriate behaviour. This FREE
Playdate and Open House on Sept 24, 2016
DOORS OPEN CALGARY at Chapter1 Daycare is on September 24 (Saturday) between 10 AM and 4 PM inside Chapter1 Daycare. Please see Contact Us section
Complimentary Screening For Speech & Occupational Therapy Programs
Chapter1 Daycare has partnered with a local company to offer complimentary screening of Preschool and Kindergarten age children for government funded Speech & Occupational Therapy programs
FRFP Workshop and Training for Staff and Parents
Chapter1 Daycare is pleased to announce a new initiative with the Family Resource Facilitation Program (frfp.ca) of Calgary. FRFP is committed to creating collaborative partnerships and
Phase I of the learning center is now Full. We are now expanding Phase II of the center and accepting registrations starting in July 2016