DIY Craft Ideas To Do With Your Children

Introducing fun arts and crafts projects to our children is a great way to stretch their creativity. It allows them to express themselves and find new ways to build on imagination. Here are some crafty DIY ideas that we can do to inspire children. Pizza Plates We don’t have to buy art supplies to have […]
3 Ways To Teach Children How To Share

The phrase “sharing is caring” is something that we all learn. When the time comes to teach it to our children, we can prepare ourselves! Showing them how they can share their favourite toys or snacks with others is a great skill they can take with them in the future. Lead By Example We […]
Budget-Friendly Ways to Support the Little Athlete in Your Life

Getting involved in sports is great for kids. It helps them get much-needed exercise that can help prevent childhood obesity. Sports teach kids about teamwork while giving them a social outlet other than school. They are challenging, and help kids learn about overcoming adversity and working toward your goals. There is also evidence that the […]
C1D introduces $15 for a day child care

A promise was made. Wish is now fulfilled. Chapter1 Daycare is pleased to announce a limited time promotional discount. $15 Daily Drop In Rate The Fine Print: This promotional offer ends at 11:59 PM on February 29, 2016 AND is applicable only to first time registered members who are NOT enrolled in the daycare for […]