Exploring the Great Outdoors with your Kids

Does your child enjoy spending time outdoors? Or would they rather relax in front of the TV, watching cartoons or playing their favorite video games? Although there are many ways you can use TV and games to stimulate your child’s mind and encourage them to learn new things, there’s nothing better than sending them outdoors. […]

The Benefits of Language Learning for your Kids

Should your child learn another language while they’re young? Although the answer, “yes” may seem the obvious choice, you may be wondering why language learning is important. We all know the advances of technology make the world smaller, and it’s much easier to connect with family, friends, individuals and businesses across the world. In fact, […]

Five Myths of Infant Napping

By Tamara Smith, Infant & Toddler Sleep Consultant, WeeSleep Myth: You need to be held hostage to nap time. You do not need to be at home for every single nap. It is okay to leave the house and have the occasional nap on the go. Always aim to have your child’s first nap of […]

How Kids Learn to Share by Playing with Each Other

As a parent, you already know you want the best for your child, and for them to learn the best skills and knowledge for a successful life. Skills such as learning to share, being generous and conflict resolution are all important for children to learn as they grow up. We’ve introduced monthly playdates to encourage […]

Nutrition For Your Child At Daycare

As a working parent, a child care program is the best option to give your children the appropriate amount of attention they need. When deciding to enroll your child, especially an infant (3-12 months) in a daycare program, one of the most important focuses should be nutrition. Nutrition is essential to a baby’s growth and, […]

Gift Wrapping for Charitable Cause

On December 5th, Chapter1 Cares Team along with external volunteers and registered children with parents of the daycare stopped by the facility to help out with gift wrapping hand knit sweaters that were made and donated by Kuddlebugz Design of Calgary to the Magic Of Christmas charitable organization, for the purpose of re-gifting the sweaters to […]

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