School Break Vacation Fun For the Whole Family

When the kids have a break from school, it’s a great time to plan some family fun. The most important ingredient of a school vacation break is being together to have a good time, whether you travel a distance away or decide to stay home. To help you make the most of your time, here […]
Five Fun Ways To Exercise With Your Toddler

It can be challenging sometimes to fit in time to exercise when you’re busy chasing a toddler around (although, that counts for exercise, right?). In order to make it easier to fit exercise into your busy schedule, consider bringing your little one along for the ride! It’s not always easy to find ways to exercise […]
How Healthy Foods Boost Your Child’s Brain

How Healthy Foods Boost Your Child’s Brain Photo credit by Pixabay Now that school is out and the kids are home, your family may have forgotten how to eat healthy. Kids have a tendency to lounge at the refrigerator all day, using boredom as an excuse to eat more. It doesn’t have to be like […]
5 Tips to Help Your Kids Sleep Better

If you’re like most parents, you probably struggle with getting your kids to go to bed on time. There are many reasons why growing kids need adequate sleep. Not getting enough sleep can affect their ability to concentrate in school, participate in sports, and maintain good grades. At least one study has found that kids […]
Why Growing Kids Need Adequate Sleep

Every parent knows the feeling: You’ve spent a long day on the job, taken the kids to their extracurricular activities, put dinner on the table, done two loads of laundry, and now it’s time to relax. You can’t wait until the kiddos are snug in their beds so you can get some well-deserved alone time. […]
Budget-Friendly Ways to Support the Little Athlete in Your Life

Getting involved in sports is great for kids. It helps them get much-needed exercise that can help prevent childhood obesity. Sports teach kids about teamwork while giving them a social outlet other than school. They are challenging, and help kids learn about overcoming adversity and working toward your goals. There is also evidence that the […]